Dr. Weaver's Daily Ritual for Spiritual Care

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Dr. Weaver's Daily Ritual for Spiritual Care


This Daily Ritual is a simple, straightforward daily practice to release emotional baggage, to increase gratitude and appreciation for your blessings, and to record daily, spiritual guidance that you receive from God (the universe, a higher power).


This digital download offers 90 days of pages for your daily ritual. You can also print more, as needed, since you will have download. After one week, review and reflect on what you have written. After one month, you will see an improvement in your mood. After 90 days, you may feel like a new person with a refreshed spirit.


I use this ritual every single day to keep my mind, energy, and emotions balanced.

I even take it with my when I go on vacation. I love it so much that I am thrilled to offer it to my community!


If you miss a day, get back on track the next day. This ritual is not about perfection. It’s about nourishing your soul and spirit…and you deserve soul nourishment!



-       A welcome message

-       A step-by-step description on how to use the ritual

-       An example daily ritual entry

-       90 days worth of ritual entries

-       Digital download so you can print as many pages as you desire for a lifetime!



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